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Business casual wear or uniform is the required dress code on the School campus during training periods. The uniform must be worn without any omission, addition or modification and cannot be altered for any reason whatsoever.
Please note that all clothing made of denim is prohibited during this period. In the cases of students in training at the École nationale de police du Québec, currently employed by an organisation, they must comply with the School dress policy, which shall have priority over the dress code required by his employer.
At the cafeteria, the same attire is required. Also, wearing a peak cap, sportswear or sport shoe is prohibited. Two exceptions are listed for this rule:
Please note that you should not wear a uniform at the Pierre-Caron lounge (MESS) after 7 p.m., business casual wear or casual wear will be required. Denim clothing, including jeans, is accepted exclusively during this period. Ball caps are prohibited at all times at the Pierre-Caron lounge.
The School reserves the right to deny access to training or an activity to any client or student who does not respect these rules.
Any request to modify the dress code must be authorized by the School Administration.
As a think tank and an integrated police training activity centre, the École nationale de police du Québec is also a neutral establishment in regard to differences in labour relations that may occur within its clients' organizations.
In order to keep this notion of neutrality, the School maintains the enforcement of its policies and directives regarding wearing of the uniform for police officers engaged in pressure tactics whether they are participants in advanced training or meetings, casual instructors, members of committees, or visitors.