Request for an opinion on a known and diagnosed medical condition

Steps to follow

  1. Discuss your medical condition with your attending physician.
  2. Once this is done, if you still want a medical opinion from Medisys, please follow the procedure explained in Step 2.

Step 1 – See your attending physician

Students who wish to have information on the medical requirements in the police function are invited to see their attending physician.

Since your physician knows your general health and your specific medical condition, he is in the best position to give an opinion on your condition, its evolution and the possible impacts on your future work before undertaking your studies in the police technology program.

The École nationale de police du Québec cannot provide any answer related to your health. Only a physician is entitled to analyze your medical information according to your health and your medical condition.

Visual and hearing requirements for the Basic Training Program in Police Patrolling

If you have any questions regarding the visual and hearing requirements to be admitted to the Basic Training Program in Police Patrolling, please refer to the ENPQ website.

Step 2 – Request for a medical opinion from the Medisys Health Group

A student who has already received a diagnosis following a known medical condition and who is treated by a physician can send a request for a medical opinion from the Medisys Health Group by writing to the following address:  Please note that only the written requests received via this email address will be processed by Medisys and fees will apply.


It is important to specify that such request for a medical opinion does not commit nor does it bind the École nationale de police du Québec or the Medisys medical evaluator since you must pass the medical examination in effect at the time of your admission, in accordance with the Training plan regulation of the École nationale de police du Québec, in order to be admitted to the Basic Training Program in Police Patrolling.