Instructions – Preparation for the SPAT-ENPQ

Instruction no. 1 –Required physical condition

It is your responsibility to show up at the SPAT in excellent health and physical condition without any injuries or any types of splint to maintain or support part of a limb and without any forms of protection.

According to the studies and recommendations from Health Canada and the Association québécoise des médecins du sport (document in French only), the consumption of energy drinks during physical and sports activities is strongly discouraged.

Consequently, it is strictly forbidden to consume any types of energy drink before the standardized physical abilities test (SPAT).

Risk of injury

If one of the instructors involved in the administration of the SPAT is of the opinion that your state of health or physical condition may entail risks of injury or put your health at risk, he will refer you to the coordinator of the activity. After consulting the nurse on site, he could terminate your test.

The École nationale de police du Québec is not liable for any injuries that may occur during the SPAT-ENPQ. You will be required to complete and sign a document to that effect upon arrival at the ENPQ.

You can read this document by clicking here.

Instruction no. 2 – Dress code on the ENPQ campus

Required attire for men (business attire)

  • Pants, shirt, tie and jacket
  • No sports shoes, nor sneakers or any other types of similar shoes

Required attire for women (business attire)

  • Pants, blouse or sweater and jacket

Important points regarding the physical appearance

  • Hair coloration is permitted but must be of a natural hair colour
  • Body piercing and tattoos must not be visible
  • General appearance is discreet
  • Men
    • Hair must be tidy, the ear and the nape must be cleared; hair is to be trimmed at the temples and nape of the neck; spiky hair is forbidden; sideburns are cut short and the beard is closely shaved; the mustache is mature, clean and does not go over the upper lip nor reach past the corner of the mouth.
  • Women
    • Long hair is to be tied back so that it doesn’t exceed the base of the collar; hair accessories must be discreet and safe;
    • Makeup and nail polish must be discreet; for safety reasons, the nails must not go pass the fingertips

In case of non-compliance with the required attire, candidates may be refused at the SPAT-ENPQ.

Instruction no. 3 – Things to bring on the day of your test

  • Your driver’s licence for identification purposes
  • A padlock to lock your locker in the change room
  • Sport outfit
  • A t-shirt that you must wear during the test

Instruction no. 4 – Cell phones not allowed during the SPAT-ENPQ

  • No cell phones are allowed during the test.
  • You must leave your phone in your locker or in your room.

Instruction no. 5 – On the ENPQ campus

  • Use the Visitors’ parking.
  • Enter the school using the main entrance where you will receive an identification card allowing you to walk around in the school.

Instruction no. 6 – Respect of the schedule

Information session

  • The information session starts at 8 o’clock. .
  • It takes place in the amphitheatre (upon arrival, you will be directed there).
  • During this session, you will have to:
    • Produce your driver’s licence
    • Have your sports clothing with you
    • Pay the fees associated to the SPAT-ENPQ

Duration of the test

You must plan a full day (from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) for the SPAT-ENPQ.