STEP 5 – Undergoing the medical examination

Particularité autochtone.Distinctive characteristics – First Nations cohorts

The dates of the cohorts and the dates for the medical examination are different for First Nations cohorts. For more information on the upcoming First Nations cohorts, please click here.

Invitation to the medical examination

You will receive an email asking you to make an appointment for your medical examination as set out in the Regulation.

If you pass the medical examination, you will receive an email inviting you to a standardized physical abilities test (SPAT) session.

Standards in effect

Refer to the Normes d'acuité visuelle - Les yeux et la vision [Visual Acuity Standards – Eyes and Vision] in French only (updated June 28, 2024 & efective July 15, 2024 – form attached).

Refer to the Normes auditives [Hearing Standards] in French only


Testing for drugs and other prohibited substances

The ENPQ has a “Zero Tolerance” Policy Concerning the Use of and the Offences Related to Drugs and Other Prohibited Substances.

Consequently, you will be tested for drugs and other prohibited substance at the time of your medical examination. However, you will not be tested for cannabis.

Furthermore, the ENPQ could require that you be specifically tested for drugs and other prohibited substances if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the “Zero Tolerance” policy is not respected during training.

If the case arises, a confirmation test shall be administered for each drug detected and the related fees are your responsibility. Please refer to the “Zero Tolerance” Policy Concerning the Use of and the Offences Related to Drugs and Other Prohibited Substances.

If you fail this test, your program will be automatically interrupted.

Refer to the “Zero Tolerance” Policy Concerning the Use of and Offences Related to Drugs and Other Prohibited Substances.

For more information on the medical examination

Montreal and Ottawa

Contact Medisys call centre at 514-845-1211 or toll free at 1-800-361-3493.

Quebec and the other regions (Trois-Rivières, Rimouski, Sherbrooke, Jonquière and Val-D’Or)

Contact TELUS Health Care Centers service at 418-681-0167 or toll free at 1-888-627-3224.


You must wait until you receive an email from the ENPQ Registrar’s office asking you to make an appointment with TELUS Health Care Centers before contacting them.

Important information for the medical examination

You must show up at the time and date agreed upon and respect the following:

  1. Have a photo ID.
  2. Allow 2 to 3 hours for the examination.
  3. Avoid all foods that are high in fat or sugar 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  4. Stop drinking protein shakes at least one week prior to your appointment.
  5. Avoid partaking in noisy activities 16 hours prior to your appointment.
  6. Bring your glasses or contact lenses to your appointment.
  7. Begin fasting 6 hours prior to the appointment. You may have a light meal/snack prior to your fast. Continue to take your medications with a mouthful of water. You may drink water normally.

If you have undergone eye surgery, you need to have the Postoperative medical examination report filled out by the physician who performed the surgery and must bring it with you to your appointment.

In the event that further testing is required

In order to ensure that your condition adequately meets the requirements of the ENPQ Basic Training Program in Police Patrolling, specific additional tests or examinations may be recommended by the medical evaluator. We will inform you of the applicable fees, if any.

Finally, once the medical file is completed and all the results are in, Medisys will forward a medical examination report to the ENPQ. Only the applicants whose file presents an anomaly will be contacted by a Medisys nurse.

Request for an opinion on a known and diagnosed medical condition

Do you have a known medical condition and wish to seek professional advice about your condition, its evolution and the possible impacts on your future work, before you start your studies in the Police Technology program?

Click here for the procedure of the Request for an opinion on a known and diagnosed medical condition.

Fortuitous event

If you are unable to show up for your medical examination or your physical fitness evaluation (for which you will be asked to attend), due to fortuitous events, you can present a written request for a deferral to the Registrar’s office, who, after analyzing your request, could give you the authorization to attend another evaluation session on a new date. This measure is exceptional and does not apply to travel and other work-related constraints.

If your request for a deferral is denied and you decide not to show up to either one of these evaluations,, your admission will no longer be valid for the current school year. You will have to submit a new application for admission for the next school year.

Examples of fortuitous events: death of a next of kin, illness, court testimony.